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Digital Abuse


Most of us use smartphones and computers without thinking twice about safe internet browsing. So, if you feel that your partner is monitoring your online activity, it might be important to keep your information safe and secure. Every online interaction can leave a trail of electronic breadcrumbs that your spouse or partner can track and possibly:

  • Access your private information
  • Gain control over your online accounts
  • Use your mobile device to track your whereabouts
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Find help for domestic abuse from the victim advocate closest to you by using the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator — whether you’re in the United States or overseas.

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Technology misuse

Smartphones and other electronic devices are where much of life happens, but it’s also the place where unhealthy relationship patterns can develop. And it can be hard to know where the line is between healthy and unhealthy patterns of behavior.

Today’s technology has allowed for new forms of abuse, such as one spouse or partner using it to harass or control the other. This can include one partner posting sexually explicit images of the other online without their consent as a form of revenge or harassment.

The following resources can help you keep your information secure from technology misuse — and keep track of it if it happens.

Image of Phone

Contact your nearest Family Advocacy Program office.

FAP supports service members and their spouses, partners and families to prevent abuse, promote victim safety and offer treatment and rehabilitation for healing following a traumatic event. Use the local FAP office locator on MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to find your nearest office.


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Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, visit the 24/7 Family Advocacy Program Victim Advocate Locator or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800−799−7233.