Most relationships consist of a mixture of healthy and unhealthy behaviors. No relationship is perfect, but it’s important to recognize the warning signs of unhealthy behaviors. Relationships can start out great, but unreasonable expectations and controlling behaviors can emerge over time, causing common conflicts to escalate and the relationship to become abusive.
When you’re in the throes of the honeymoon phase, it’s not always easy to see how a relationship may evolve over time, or how a loving partner could become controlling or possessive. Unhealthy behaviors don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and intensify over time.
Unhealthy behaviors such as abuse and control take many forms — physical, economic, emotional and/or sexual — and can happen to anyone. Learn to recognize the signs of unhealthy relationships. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- Does your partner get upset when you make plans to go out with your friends?
- Are they obsessive about who you interact with on social media?
- Does your partner talk over you or dismiss what you say in public?
- Does your partner avoid family get-togethers and discourage you from visiting friends and family?
- Do they try to control all the money?
- Do they discourage you from going back to school and pursuing a better career?
- Do they tell you what to wear?
- Does your partner go through your phone and read your texts?
Abuse doesn’t look the same in every relationship because each relationship is different. But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner’s aim is to gain more power and control over their partner.
Have you recognized any unhealthy behaviors in your relationship?